Saturday 22 June 2013

The view from my window this morning

I woke up feeling warm and cosy this morning and then realised that sometime during the night I had turned the electric blanket on, the house was actually freezing, yes, only one degree celcius.   I don't like to leave the heating on overnight, usually I don't need to but for the past couple of days we have been having very cold frosty mornings of below zero in some parts of the state.    The days have been just beautiful, sunny and in the mid teens, beautiful if you are out of the shade, or in a chair by a window.    I was watching the frost melt on the grass outside my window  when I thought it was time for another photo, I really do have a lovely space out front of my house.     It is a bit early yet,  usually there are children playing in the park, guys playing rugby or football, or people walking their dogs, always something to look at.   Tonight my daughter is cooking a dinner for her fiance's birthday, my contribution to dinner will be a large bowl of salad, which I will be eating most of, so far I am sticking to my eating plan.   I hope I have lost that three kilos when I step on the scale on Tuesday.   Have a great day, I know I will,  I'm going outside to enjoy the sun before the weather changes.

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