Deacon with Grandma, Daniel painting Connor, Grandma with Santa |
I'm feeling a little overwelmed, the first week of December is almost over and I still have so much to organise, my head is spinning with everything I want to do. The shops are very busy, the shopping centre in my town is building an extension and a large section of the carpark is closed off, so it is a headache trying to find a carpark. My daughter has a birthday next week and she has decided to have a bbque on Saturday night, I haven't bought a gift for her yet, what to buy her, I asked her, and her reply was "I don't know" I thought she might of helped me a little. The Vietnam Veterans Childrens Christmas party was last Sunday, it was a lot of fun, the magician kept us all entertained. My son, the one who does everything and my daughter-in-laws sister, Belinda volunteered to be the face painters for the day, they did a fantastic job, the kids looked really good. Once the magician was finished with his show the children were anxiously waiting for Santa to arrive, everyone except Deacon. Deacon takes after his mum, she was also scared of the big man in red, all the coaxing in the world would not entice her to sit with Santa. Deacon was playing with other children when he spotted Santa coming in the gate, he froze until he had passed by and then made a run for me where he stayed until his name was called, Aunty Tanya picked him up to collect his gift from santa, screaming and crying while Taneesha was trying to take a photo. Once santa was gone he settled down to eat his icecream and lollies. This morning while Daniel and his father-in-law install two lightshades for me I have been writing Christmas cards , this always takes longer than I plan, I usually end up writing a few words in most of the cards, well the cards I send to the people I don't see very often. This afternoon I will sort through the recipes that I am going to bake next week, some I will give as gifts and some will be for over the Christmas break.